help for pelvic pain

my approach to pelvic pain

Do you have pain in the pelvis, abdomen, buttocks, SI joint, tailbone, or groin? Pain with intercourse, insertion of a tampon, or a gynecological exam?

Pelvic and abdominal pain affect over 25 million people in the United States. It can be debilitating and isolating. Pelvic pain can be complex and multifactorial, involving not just pain, but other symptoms such as bladder dysfunction, bowel dysfunction, or sexual dysfunction, including dyspareunia, or pain with intimacy/intercourse. I treat interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome, vulvodynia, vaginismus, endometriosis, SI joint pain, tailbone pain, pubic symphysis pain, and pudendal neuralgia with compassion and care. This list is not exhaustive - contact me at the link below if you have specific questions about how I might be able to help you.

How does the pelvic floor relate to your pain? The muscles of the pelvic floor, along with the abdomen and pelvic, have been shown to often play a role in pelvic pain. Because pelvic pain is multifactorial, patients often see multiple healthcare providers without getting any relief. I use a whole-person approach to learn what provokes your symptoms and how I can help. Treatment might include downtraining, ways to relax and elongate the pelvic floor, manual intervention, and many other techniques to help you find relief.

After your initial evaluation, you will receive a comprehensive exam, education, and a home exercise program to address your specific needs.