free from bladder leaks

Do you have trouble making it to the toilet in time? Do you pee before you leave the house “just in case” you might have to go later? do you leak when you cough, laugh, sneeze, jump,or run?

Bladder problems are common. They can also severely impact someone’s daily life. We treat urinary leakage/incontinence, increased urgency, increased frequency, overactive bladder, painful bladder syndrome/interstitial cystitis, and voiding dysfunction to help you be free from the bathroom or worry that you will leak.

How does the pelvic floor relate? The muscles of the pelvic floor are skeletal muscle, like the biceps, but they serve 5 unique roles. One of those roles is helping with continence. Your pelvic floor could need strengthening and training. However, the answer to your symptoms is not always to Kegel - sometimes, our pelvic floor is overactive and we need to learn how to relax it to decrease symptoms instead of just strengthening it.

You will receive a comprehensive exam, education, and a home exercise program to address your specific needs.