pelvic physical therapist anatomy

Meet your doctor of physical therapy

I am a physical therapist, a mom, and an athlete. And I am here to help you with all things pelvic floor.

I grew up in northern Virginia and attended the University of Virginia for my undergraduate degree. While at UVA, I met my future husband, and immediately after graduation, we embarked on an adventure of military life. I then earned my Doctor of Physical Therapy from the University of Colorado.

Soon thereafter, I began another new adventure: motherhood! Not only was my life changed, but so was my body. My first exposure to pelvic health PT was as a patient after my son’s delivery and subsequent, excruciating tailbone pain. It was difficult to find someone that could take me, but when I did, it made a world of difference and my interest was piqued. After several years of practice in primarily outpatient orthopedics, I expanded my education and clinical practice to specialize in pelvic health and never looked back. My practice is now devoted to pelvic health in relation to your body as a whole.

We are nearing the end of my husband’s military career and have settled into life in Rockville, Maryland with our son and daughter. My fitness background is diverse - I have been a ballerina, marathoner, and now I am an avid CrossFitter. Whether you dream of crossing a finish line of a race, getting back into the CrossFit gym after kids, or even just making it through the day without leakage or pain, I am here to tell you it is possible.

My approach to pelvic physical therapy

Core Foundations Physical Therapy was founded with you as the patient in mind. You will notice the difference from your first intake phone call. At Core Foundations, you are not just a patient - you are part of the family.

If you struggle with urinary leakage, increased urgency or frequency of urination, pelvic pain, difficulty with intercourse, pelvic heaviness, constipation, fecal incontinence, diastasis recti, tailbone pain, or SI joint pain, you have come to the right place. I believe manual therapy can serve a huge role in healing in addition to exercise and other strategies for self-management.

Pelvic health

Never heard of pelvic health PT? Pelvic health is a subspecialty of physical therapy requiring additional specialized education and training. Gone are the days of “I pee when I sneeze because I am a mom.” For too long, pelvic issues have been pushed aside and treated as a destiny, but they can be treated and change can be made! Pelvic health is also more than treating someone in the postpartum period. Everyone has a pelvic floor, so anyone could develop symptoms. The bottom line is to know that you are not alone in this. I am here to help.

holistic care

You are more than your pelvis. I know that, and I use my years of experience as an orthopedic PT to look at your whole body and how it relates to your pelvic function. Do you clench your teeth? How are your feet? How in the world does that relate to why you are here? I can help guide you and discover the why behind your symptoms. I use my skill set, including manual therapy, to identify and treat problems. Then we go one step farther and teach you how to prevent those problems from coming back again.