empower yourself

Do you experience heaviness in your pelvic or bulging out of your vagina? have you been told that you have a prolapse?

Words like pelvic organ prolapse, cystocele, rectocele, and uterine or vaginal vault prolapse sound scary. Know that you are not alone and that surgery is not necessarily your destiny.

Symptoms of prolapse can include heaviness or even visible bulging, pain into the low back, and bladder or bowel issues. Symptoms often increase as you fatigue throughout the day or with activity. A person is more likely to develop prolapse after childbirth, but it can happen to anyone. It is not always immediately postpartum, but can happen gradually over years.

How does the pelvic floor relate and how can physical therapy help? Pelvic organ prolapse is a structural problem with lack of support. Pelvic floor training has been shown to be effective in decreasing symptoms. We will also look at the management of pressure through the thorax and abdomen down into the pelvis and help with breathing and muscle activation strategies to decrease stress and pressure into the pelvis.

You will receive a comprehensive exam, education, and a home exercise program to address your specific needs.